Loves The Jobs You Hate – HONNE

앞서 뉴웨이브(런던발 ‘진심’에 취하다 HONNE) 에도 소개한 바 있는 일렉트로닉 신스 팝 듀오 HONNE의 새 싱글. 특유의 몽환적인 느낌은 그대로 살리되 한층 펑키하고 상큼한 사운드를 들려 준다. 이 곡을 포함해 혼네의 EP앨범이 9월 2일 발매 예정이라고. 밴드는 “이번 EP는 가장 흥미롭고도 다채로운 곡들로 채워질 예정(We feel this EP could be our most interesting and varied set of songs yet)”이라고 기대감을 드러내기도 했다. 현재 영국 내에서는 활발하게 투어 중에 있는 HONNE, 국내에서는 언제 만나볼 수 있을까.

So here we are
Head to head
You spin my way
Since I don’t know when
You kid yourself
By telling me you are who you are,
You are who you are
I’m sorry mate
You’re not my date
You wish you were
You wished it bad
You come in here spading more than who you are
You are who you are

Say you lived both ways
You’ve got these troubles day after day
It would all serves the same
I’m not listening to a word you say

Thanks for a second chance
But let me tell you something
I understand, go fuck yourself
Don’t tell me you are who you are,
You are who you are
It’s only been a minute since you knocked me
Now you’re tryina treat me like you love me
But I’m not fooled by you
‘Cause you are who you are,
You are who you are

Say you lived both ways
You’ve got these troubles day after day
It would all serves the same
I’m not listening to a word you say
You’re forever takin’ aim
You’ve got these troubles day after day
My patience was away
I’m not listening to a word you say

I’ve turned down ’cause I’m tired
You’re telling me that I’m shut all the time
Can I come babe?
Every word you say drives me away!

Say you lived both ways
You’ve got these troubles day after day
It would all serves the same
I’m not listening to a word you say

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